Characteristic Advantages
Rocket artiller vehicle transport Zero length emission
Investigation and Suicide Integrated attack
Ad hoc network communication
Bee colony collaboration Investigation and Attack
Rapid motorized transportation
Stop and launch immediately go into battle
Performance Parameter
Operating radius 150km
Maximum takeoff weight 60kg
Max payload 15kg
Max endurance 1h
Cruising speed 140km/h~180km/h
Maximum networking 124 UAV nodes; A single vehicle can form a 12-UAV ad hoc network cluster formation
Application Scenarios
The ZFD-60 tube-launched folding-wing series UAV system uses a certain gun carriage as the launch platform and uses the gas to drive the UAV cluster to realize catapult-assisted takeoff. The UAV can realize identification, detection and tracking of ground targets through infrared guidance or TV guidance. At the same time, the UAV platform carries multi-mode warheads, and can realize "swarm" type reconnaissance and strike integrated combat functions through mission allocation, route planning and autonomous collaboration. Its main combat targets include light armor, ground vehicles, radar antenna, ground shelters, personnel, etc. It can be extended to an air-based launch product.
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